Imagine a state, much like a jigsaw puzzle, divided into several voting districts.
Gerrymandering occurs when these district lines are drawn or redrawn in such a way that gives an unfair advantage to one political party over another.
If you're playing a board game, gerrymandering would be like shifting the game board to favor one player, making it much harder for others to win.
Would you want to play that game?
Packing: This tactic involves cramming as many voters of one type (usually of a particular party) into a single district. This way, they'll win that district overwhelmingly but have less influence in other districts.
Cracking:This approach is the opposite of packing; it disperses voters of a similar type across many districts to dilute their voting power, making it difficult for them to achieve a majority anywhere.
Gerrymandering has the potential to skew elections, making some votes count more than others, which undermines the principle of 'one person, one vote.'
Simply put, when politicians manipulate voting maps to stay in power, it takes away the community's ability to choose their representatives fairly—it means representatives are choosing their voters instead of voters choosing their representatives.
We believe in fair play and democracy which is why we're dedicated to raising awareness and working towards a future where every vote counts equally. Join us in the fight for fair voting!
Texans Against Gerrymandering is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and nonpartisan organization.